Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 80 - Mmmm... Mmmmud Cake

Before we went to bed it was decided that the mud cake would be put into the oven at 3.30am overnight so that it would be ready by 6am. Upon deciding this, it suddenly struck me how funny it was that I didn't think that putting a cake in the oven at 3.30am was so odd, because I am usually up at that time anyway! I set the alarm, but I happened to be up not long before that anyway, just as predicted. While I worked on some of the decorations for the cake, my assistant chef Dale helped out by chopping chocolate and measuring out other ingredients. I only wish I had thought to get a pic of him licking the bowl which was bigger than his head.


  1. Great photo! We have a saying in our family by the way that you should never eat anything bigger than your head :-)

  2. Important words to live by :-D Hope you got the butter cake recipe that I sent? I notice that it has the measurements for a dolly varden tin...
