Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10 - School Mode

So today I went into school to get a few things done, but it was just one of those days where not much got done! As often happens when you go into school in your holidays you end up catching up with co workers who you haven't seen for a while, you end up chatting about various things instead of doing what you came in to do in the beginning. I have just moved into a new classroom and although I got a bit done, as you can see in the pic, there is a stack more sorting and unpacking to do. It will probably take me a while to get back into the whole work pattern again and I have to say that I haven't thought a lot about my work plans for the year. I can't say that I am in holiday mode... maybe still Henry mode :-)


  1. It will seem like you haven't been away once you're used to leaving Henry at day care and he's settled.

  2. Ahh I remember those days... I really must work harder in finding me a job. Or should that read Really, must I work harder in finding me a job?
