Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 326 - Princess in Town

Henry and I braved the rain this afternoon with maybe a few hundred others to wait to see Princess Mary and Prince Frederik of Denmark who were at the War Memorial this afternoon to lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. After a 20 minute wait in the drizzle, we spotted the police escort coming down Anzac Parade and Mary and Fred finally arrived. She was so elegant and of course looked absolutely gorgeous. After stopping for a brief wave they went inside. Now if Henry had been playing nice I may have been able to wait for the royal couple to come back out, but that was not the case! Peta (friend and fellow blogger) did wait and got a much better photo. She even got to meet the princess. Her girls Ava and Olivia were most excited to give the flowers they had brought, as well. For a better close up, you could look at Peta's blog!

1 comment:

  1. Just trying this out as I haven't been able to post to another blog I like reading. Just to comment, Mary is beautiful and looks more the princess than some who are born to it.
