Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 365 - New Year's Eve and the Art of Self Taking a Family Portrait

We learned today that even with a remote for the camera it is hard to take a picture of yourselves sometimes! A few times the camera wanted to focus on the background rather than us, and a few times Henry just wasn't in the mood! We also learnt that sparklers only cause smoke in the daytime, which tends to make you look like you are on fire. But this is the final picture for my project, us on the final day of 2011!

So on this final day of 2011 I have had a flick back through the year of my blog and noticed the following...

Number of posts - 365
Pageviews up until now - 10,193
Most Read Post (according to stats) was the Day of Chaos (Day 251) with 42 page views, closely followed by The Story of Dale and the Policeman (Day 196) with 35 page views
Most Commented on Post via Face Book would have to be Day 98 (Dale's Hidden Treasure) closely followed by Day 196 (Story of Dale and the Policeman) Funny that both posts are about Dale!
Big Events of the Year included, Henry crawling and later walking and David and Dani's wedding, Henry turned one and Kinzie was born.
Number of photos of Henry - 113
Posts mentioning shoes - 14
Posts mentioning chocolate - 21

So that's it... Happy New Year's Eve!


  1. Wow, what an accomplishment! Congratulations on such a fantastic achievement - I have enjoyed reading every bit of it, even if I had to wait a while sometimes :-). Looking forward to 2012's blog!

  2. Dad says "Good finish for the year, Belinda...Dad.

  3. Congratulations B, you made it! I have loved every single one of your posts and I'm so glad you are continuing in 2012. Happy New Year to you and your gorgeous family xxx

  4. Thanks Dee... I have loved reading yours too.. hope you are continuing??
