Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 222 - Need a Remedy!

    • Belinda Moss Awww... no good... Henry has been coughing on and off for the last hour too :(
      10 August at 21:37 · 

    • Peta Kenningham That is no good ladies, let's just say I feel your pain.... just not right now. Try the onion method. Cut an onion in half and put it in their room, I swear it worked, either that or I was just so exhausted!
      10 August at 21:43 · 

    • Belinda Moss I would have thought an onion would cause more tears :P
      10 August at 21:45 · 

    • Peta Kenningham only for the chopper of the onion B. You just put it in their room, not in their bed! :p
      10 August at 21:47 · 

    • Belinda Moss I just did... now he is screaming :( not the effect I was hoping for!!!
      10 August at 21:54 · 

    • Peta Kenningham Poor Henry. :-( I hope he settles soon for you. Panadol and nurofen given?
      10 August at 22:03 · 

    • Belinda Moss He's ok :) it was brief... had panadol before bed, his temp is currently down and now he has an onion by his bed. Meanwhile I have a sore throat coming on... Sorry to hijack your status update Helen!
      10 August at 22:07 · 

    • Peta Kenningham Yes Sorry Helen! Just leaving some light reading for you! Always the way. Look after yourselves! Call if you need anything.
      10 August at 22:10 ·  ·  1 person

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