Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 271 - Henry's New Wheels

Finally I will be able to get back onto my bike! Dale unexpectedly gave me a bicycle for my birthday in 2009, but when Henry was born last year I really couldn't get a lot of use out of it, until now. We dropped by to see Dale's friend Paul in his bike shop this afternoon to pick this out. Henry's new kiddicarrier is a little trailer to fit on the back of the bike. It's reflective, bright orange, with a seatbelt, insect screen and rain protection. He is still getting used to his little red helmet, but as soon as the rain clears, we will be out to test these new wheels out!


  1. How cool and comfortable does that look. I wouldn't mind being pedalled around in that, especially since I wouldn't have to do all the hard work.

  2. Ahh another slice of orange! Theme much?

  3. Heh heh... my bicycle is pale blue though! This either came in orange and grey or orange and royal blue. I think the orange is for safety, but yes - nice match for the car and the stroller!
