Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 28 - Trip to the Zoo

Interestingly, our staff development day today, included a trip to the zoo. I have to say that it was one way to keep my mind off Henry, since it was our first full day apart! Dale and I dropped him off together at the daycare centre this morning (although Dale will normally be the dropper off and I will be the picker up). We left him there smiling and playing with toys.

At the zoo, I fed a white tiger some steak with tongs (we noticed it was high quality beef too!) and fed a giraffe a carrot! They are actually two of my favourite "big animals". I love giraffes eyes and their gracefulness. The thing that I like about tigers is that they have a lot of the same behaviours of regular house cats, such as hiding behind something getting ready to pounce. The also have such cute giant paddy paws!

By afternoon, Henry had woken at about 4 and although he apparently woke up with a squeal, he was all smiles by the time I arrived to pick him up.


  1. Giraffes and tigers are two of my favourite wild animals. I love their coats - each so different. I hope the tongs were long!

  2. How did they fit the zoo into the curriculum? What a good Professional Development Day though, not listening to boring lectures. :-)
